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Erin Dendinger
MS Art
Middle School
Janet Denton
Food Services
Food Service Dept
419-895-1700 x 18201
Kylee Deppert
High School
Chris Dovci
Title 1 Intervention
Middle School
Lisa Dulin
5th Grade
Middle School
Kayla Durbin
Physical Therapist
Elementary School
Sarah Ebersole
District Nurse
Board Office
Jerry Eldridge
High School
Abbi Ellenwood
School Psychologist
Elementary School
Dana Emmons
Food Services
Food Service Dept
Gene Esbenshade
Maintenance Supervisor
Angela Fennewald
6th Grade
Middle School
Tiffany Ferrell
Guidance and Athletics Secretary
High School
419-895-1700 x 19006
Cathy Fulk
Food Services
Food Service Dept
419-895-1700 x 16128
Penny Gano
Cafeteria Aide
Middle School
Shane Garrett
High School
David Gibbs
Middle School
Becky Given
Media Center Aide
Elementary School
Ramona Givens
3rd Grade
Elementary School
Nathan Godsey
High School