Parent Online Portals
Crestview uses a combination of online third-party resources to help parents with day-to-day school tasks, each specialized in the function it provides. Families are encouraged to make use of these resources to stay informed. Our core parent online portals are listed below with a description of their role, how to access them, and who to reach out to if support is needed.
Where applicable, Single Sign-on options have been noted to indicate resources that can be accessed with a common login, such as a Google account, which can be created using a new or existing email address. Single Sign-on alleviates the need to create a unique login for each unique resource.

Canvas: Coursework and Grades
As an online course management resource for students, parent access to Canvas provides visibility on assignments, grades, and other course information. Reach out to your child's school office for an Observer Code to get started.
Link: Canvas (parent link)
Applicability: Grades 5-12
Single Sign-On Options: Not available
Support Contact: Chad Lemon

FinalForms: Online Forms
Maintain your student's contact, transportation, sports, and emergency information, and complete your annual review. Family information can be updated through FinalForms at any point during the school year.
Link: Final Forms
Applicability: Grades 6-12
Single Sign-On Options: Google
Support Contacts:
Chad Lemon (current families and new athletes)
Ashley Stigall (new enrollments)

Rooms: Communications
Stay informed about district events and communicate directly with teachers, coaches, and advisors. This is the district's official two-way communication platform and is accessible via app or web.
Link: Edurooms
Applicability: All grade levels
Single Sign-On Options: Google, Microsoft
Support Contact: Chad Lemon

LINQ: Food Service and Online Payments
Our provider for school lunch accounts, free and reduced lunch applications, online payments, and online lunch menus.
Link: LINQ Connect
Applicability: All grade levels
Single Sign-On Options: Not available
Support Contact: Jennifer Oliver

SchoolLinks: Career and College Readiness
Used for college and career preparation in partnership with guidance departments, SchooLinks provides career exploration activities for students and supports high school students in developing an academic profile and transcript, which can be transmitted directly to many academic institutions upon request.
Link: SchooLinks
Applicability: Grades 6-12. Parent functionality is most relevant in high school.
Single Sign-On Options: Google, LinkedIn
Support Contact: Lisa Brown or Tiffany Ferrell, HS Guidance Office

Student Online Resources and Data Privacy
In addition to those resources listed here, Crestview uses a wide range of technology service providers to further the district's instructional and operational objectives. Parents can view the list of district-approved applications and providers, which includes a description of the resource's purpose, privacy policy, and the Data Privacy Agreement between Crestview and the service provider.
Link: Crestview Local - Approved Applications
Applicability: All grade levels
Support Contact: Chad Lemon